Jimmy Kimmel is a Fucking Moron

Jimmy Kimmel is a fucking moron and a demagogue to boot. His kid has a heart problem, ya I get that. My brother who I take care of has cerebral palsy since birth. Deal with it! I don’t go around browbeating liberals using my brother as a ploy.

Kimmel is saying that though he can afford to get his kid open heart surgery, that there are somehow all these other kids out there dying from lack of open-heart surgeries. Well where are these poor kids Jimmy??? If there are so many of them why haven’t you brought a few of them on your show? Or better yet why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and pay for these other kid’s surgeries yourself if you really care so much about them. Rather than lecturing me with your bleeding heart about how the government must somehow be economically responsible (made to pay) for every unfortunate circumstance under the sun. Maybe you should consider spending 100k and several years of your life doing something more useful, LIKE BECOMING A DOCTOR YOURSELF, and then treat them for free – instead of lecturing everyone else from your comedic ivory tower. There are plenty of socialist medicine nations. Here is a list of them. Please move there if you like socialism so much! Feel free!!! :


In my experience if you are poor or disabled, Medicare/Medicaid DOES PAY FOR IT!!!

The dim-witted idea Kimmel has that somehow the surgery will become magically ‘free’ if Uncle Sam pays for it is laughable. Regardless of who pays for it, an open heart surgery is expensive. It does not become ‘free’ simply because the state foots the bill. The nation is 20 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT. Can you get that through your thick skull? Its practically broke, if it were not for Fed Reserve subsidized interest rates at 1 percent. Interest rates at any normalcy of 3-5 percent would turn USA into Puerto Rico over night, and people would also lose their houses as their mortgage payments increased.

Having the government pay for things kills competition. When all costs are tacked onto the debt, it is your children, plus your children’s children whose futures are being comprised. Do you want their future to be one of being TAXED TO DEATH to pay for your freebees? In the name of your moral superiority complex??

My sound engineer Tom, a friend since high school, has seen his premiums increase by $500 a month since Obamacare socialized medicine passed. There is nothing compassionate about that. And his care is no better than it was before. More proof that big government is a TOTAL FAIL.

So the next time you hear some moron comedian tell you to just have the government pay for everything think to yourself : Isn’t this covered under Medicare/Medicaid already? And can the government really afford to pay 100 percent of everyone’s medical bills, on top of Hurricane relief and the rest of the largely socialist system we live in?? Can our already broke-ass government afford to pay for every unfortunate exorbitant Act of God under the sun, on the backs of excessive taxes/ reduced services on future generations?

The answer is a resounding NO. Only a complete moron would even dare suggest doing so in good conscience.

Stick to comedy, you fucking schmuk!

Author: Lord Beardschlimmer Wilhelm Bartholomew III

Leading the charge against societal decay!