Wikileaks: E.T. Attack Election Hoax


This document shows that the government is polling the impact of itself orchestrating various attacks and hoaxes – in order to ensure that elitist scum are elected.

The left is panicked about the election, and they are scheming to win BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. They know that people see through the BS poll results, because they can see giant crowds at Trump rallies with their own eyes. Americans also realize that the women claiming Trump groped them have too many holes in their stories, plus eyewitnesses who rebut them. And they said nice things about Trump for years and years in many cases, prior to throwing him under the bus.

A new document out from a polling and political advising company in Washington D.C. says that the US government has worked on far-fetched nefarious scenarios to tilt the election its way.

They poll tested everything from race riots to radiation from nukes, and found that only an attack from aliens from outer space would keep Trump supporters from voting. Some Trump Deplorables actual were polled as being even more likely to vote if there were race riots or a natural disaster. This scenario of the E.T. invasion hoax sounds basically far-fetched and impossible. However, it is actually entirely doable, with laser technology the DOD/CIA has which is meant to project large scale holograms of spacecraft – in order to intimidate voters. That secret project is called Project Firesign.

While this most recent leaked document concluded that E.T. attack would be the most effective way for Clinton to win – please note that there are also other plots labeled under “BLM”, “Sharia etc”, and “radiation” for example, And though those polled as less likely to keep Trumpsteers from voting – some of them would be easier to pull off for them. I am also highly suspicious that Twitter has been having issues today – since that is Trump’s communication platform.

Also, if you know anything about aliens – you know they are really our friends. They tried to make themselves known to the world in the 1950s and prior by flying over DC and Moscow ( it was at the top of national credible newspapers at the time). Read the last few chapters of Whitley Strieber’s Breakthrough for a historical overview of UFO appearances in the United States.
