Dems Tank Dacca

Democrats on the Hill tanked the Dream Act Bill this week. They had promised to work towards drafting a bill which would legalize the children of illegals. This was a campaign promise by the Dems, based on one of their major voting constituencies. However, when push came to shove, and Trump was finally willing to sign DACCA, the Dems created a red herring diversion, by reigniting debate over whether “Trump is a racist”, by creating dubious press leaks regarding what was said behind closed doors in a bipartisan meeting.

What emerges is a weird situation in which Trump is once again championing the little guy against the establishment and Big Brother. By showing mercy towards the Dreamers, Trump is exposing that the left eats its own. That the left does not actually want Dreamers to be legalized, but chooses rather to hold them hostage, in order to use them as a voting block is apparent. Why else would they promise so much, and then do so little? Meanwhile they perpetually profit from this issue.

Trump may ironically take this issue off the table for them by issuing some form of executive order (reprehensible to many people on his own side). By taking away Dem. issues, Trump strategically exposes how left wing rage is manufactured by the government media complex. Shows on MSNBC demonstrate that their hosts have no regard for the Dreamers themselves, but only seek political gain by grossly exploiting the very people they purport to help.

Kick McCain Out of the GOP

McCain has done it again. Having already helped the Obamacare repeal fail a few weeks ago, he is going to try and kill the Lindsey Graham Obamacare overhaul. This new bill is good. It would give the states more control over the healthcare system, while preserving coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. I have a pre-existing condition, as does my father, brother, mother, gf, and just about everyone I know. So I am not some heartless beast. My father is a doctor (radiologist) and he has explained to me the economics of healthcare – namely that NOTHING IS FREE. I liked this plan since I first heard about it 3 weeks ago. Very solid.

Lindsey Graham is McStain’s best pal. It is disturbing that McStain wants to preserve the commie centralized health care system at all costs. He has shown that he does not have America’s best interests at heart.

1. McCain supported ISIS ‘Syrian rebels’

and what’s with the ISIS soundstage pic, allegedly leaked from his staff?



2. He supported the Libyan rebels, which have turned Libya from the richest African state, into a miserably poor failed state.

3. Was involved in the S & L scandal in the 80s., being

4. He was involved in the Abscam scandal.

5. His torture and bravery in Nam were exaggerated, according to other American POW’s eyewitness accounts.

6. He instigated the bogus Russia investigation into Trump by pressing commie traitor James Comey in investigating the baloney matter.

7. As you may remember, he killed the Obamacare repeal effort a few weeks ago. This, despite the fact his party was elected with that at the top of it’s platform this past November. Maybe that bill was too harsh. However, the Graham bill is not. No excuse for this!

8. McCain is part of the Deep State, and is likely a source of many damaging leaks against the Trump administration, via classified info he gets as head of Armed Services Committee and other committees.

9. McCain has been radically pro completely excessive immigration oriented, despite the fact that 911 (my uncle lives in Manhattan blocks away) and other major terrorist attacks like the Boston Marathon and San Bernardino (which was close to where my dad lives so I take it even more personally) attacks were a result.

10. McCain’s runs for president were pathetic and hurt the party. His VP pick Sarah Palin is a pea-brained soccer mom, though conservative. And she made GOP women look like a laughing stock, which hurt the image of conservatives.

GOP should hold a formal Senate vote revoking his party affiliation, and should immediately strip him of all chairmanships. Conservatives should make every effort to fund primary challengers to McCain in the next election he is up. JD Hayworth , former Arizona Congressman, and talk radio show host was brave and challenged him unsuccessfully last time. He should have gotten more support. I spoke with him once on talk radio and he was very polite to me compared to others. He was a signee of the Contract with America, which brought a renaissance to Congress in the 90s.


Trump did very well on the North Korean crisis. He did great against Syria. Also helped Mosul and the Raqqa victories. The Russian ‘spy’ scandal has not produced a single ‘spy’. Fell one vote short of major victory on health care. Most of the current events are manufactured hysterias.

None of the people in the ranks are any good, US has lost many long wars and the generals nor the CEO’s are to be trusted as authorities on zilch. It’s small businesses that have been getting the short end of the stick, while big businesses skirt paying taxes. Larry Kudlow, Pat Buchanan , Steve Forbes and some guys like that are really who should be in the cabinet. There are too many advisors , and all too many cabinet positions, hence leaks.

Ivanka , Jared , the generals and most of the people Trump appointed are no good . So them sticking around or quitting or getting fired is of no consequence. His presidency was crippled by leaks, which have slowed since the firing anyhow . In this country you can still support who you want. Trump still has a lot of support. Just not on TV or in California . No he doesn’t need the cities or mainstream media’s approval , as evidenced by the election results. His support is in the south, mid-west and the rust belt, and then on the internet and radio.

One last weird thing about the Nazi rally is the white shirts tan pants theme they were uniformed in was the same outfit that originally was reported by eyewitnesses at the san bernadino terror attack as well as the security guards from KRAFT International (mercs. named after the American Sniper) who were seen guarding the Boston marathon, coupled with the fact that the LA based PR firm was recruiting paid crowds in Charlottesville, NC – 3 hours away from the VA rally.

Trump was proven right on NK and on ISIS threat (Spain attack) in the same weekend hard to believe he gets no credit for that stuff.

Personally , I am having trouble believing the concept that somehow Islamic boogeymen want to attack peace-nick European nations everyday. I don’t see how it furthers any objective for anyone except for the security state, even for ISIS. As time goes on , it gets harder to accept the notion that on 911 somehow airline security allowed 19 armed males to simultaneously boarded planes. without having apprehended more than say one of them. Or letting the Pentagon get hit is also just kinda unbelievable from a national security standpoint that that building was not defended.

I guess its possible.

Right now it seems like the push for self-automated driving cars is being pushed by the security state so they can track and control more. Perhaps they are framing people. Why do perps. in those incidents always magically leave their passports at the scene?

Trump condemned the right wing as much as anyone else the one day in Virginia. The argument he got into with the press validated his point of view on the topic. This was all related to the press trying to falsely pretend that the left wing protesters were non-violent. Well the fact is that all of Trump’s kids married into Jewish families. All his grandkids are of Jewish faith. The left has also made up a lie that Trump’s father was racist, when the fact is Trump’s dad built a holocaust memorial.

What the RHINOS and left want are they want ‘hate speech’ to become unprotected speech, meaning you could then start arresting people for saying things that the state deems racist. This is basically how the law is in the EU now. In the EU, if you say something racist you do jail time. It is similar to an inquisition now. Now they say ‘racist’ instead of ‘heresay’.

Basically, if you think US history is great you are considered hateful.

The other thing you have to realize is just how unpopular the Mitch M. Senate Majority Leader, and McCain types are. When they appear on TV groveling, and trying to appear holier than thou on race issues (which is ridiculous to do – what does it prove?) they just confirm that they are really self hating and are basically just Democrats (that’s why they are called RHINOS).

If Trump leaves the party fundraising for the GOP will COMPLTELY DRY UP. The GOP will have ZERO funds to run on and zero enthusiasm from its base in the mid-terms and is headed for a complete slaughter at the polls by Dems ( who will turn out en masse ) the end result will be Trump cutting deals with the Dems as an fiercely independent Savage Nation conservative, meanwhile the GOP loses both houses and things will actually ironically work out better. Why?  Because the current GOP Congress has proven itself to be the most pathetic majority party in the history of the nation.

Trump Should Force Debt Default

I suggest Trump threaten to veto the debt ceiling increase and force a national default, since Congress has overspent. This will put the fear of God into Congress. Only if Congress stops these ridiculous politically motivated investigations should he sign a debt ceiling increase. If we cannot have our democratically elected leader, then bring the whole country down financially and start a revolution to begin a fresh , new government – with the old guard and the old deep state arrested or extradited.

And no SS or welfare checks?? Military? If he doesn’t accommodate those, many assume Trump won’t last ’til Christmas.

USA will still have tax revenue. Trump can direct Treasury to defund all welfare, but continue funding the military. Default wouldn’t mean we dont get to borrow (if we so choose) , it would mean our interest rates on the debt would balloon. However I think the debt is a SHAM anyways, and we should refuse to pay it (stick it to the bankers , China, and the Sauds) and issue a new currency, free of Fed and foreign influence. Also, California should be allowed to secede from the Union, since they want a lib utopian state. Texas should probably secede too. The left and right shall not reconcile in our lifetime. Face it!

Then what’s left would be more manageable.

First of all through much of US history we printed our own currency, and it was minted in silver and gold. We do not need to borrow money from our enemies China and Saudi Arabia, nor the Fed. We can simply print our own new currency and abandon the old one. We have done this twice in our history already, the first time was after the Revolutionary War.

Secondly , Trump did not make these insane spending agreements or wars. So it’s not his responsibility to promote them to the point where our grandchildren are enslaved for your debts.

If Congress comes to its senses and stops with all the BS investigations and endless pointless wars in the ME (when NK is set to nuke us meanwhile) and agrees to cut welfare, and stop expanding the evil government in perpetuity – only then Trump should sign to increase the debt ceiling.

Its about LEVERAGE.

Kid Rock Possible Senate Run

Kid Rock is mulling a possible Senate run.

He announced he was interested in running a few weeks ago. It was just a publicity stunt. However , polls came in showing he would beat the incumbent Michigan Dem. by 4 points or so. So now he is forming a non-profit org. to register voters and raise funds for a pack.

I caught his show in Salinas a few weeks back. Was surprisingly good. The whole crowd was raucous and making out. Some college girl flashed her vagina, and another lady in a bikini was draped in a US flag (quite an audience!). Rock mixed southern styled rock, 80s rap, and trashy late 80s sleaze rock in a long set that included a DJ, pyrotechnics, r and b dancing, and more. Also tickets were only $20.